Monday, September 1, 2014

Week of:
Aug 30th

In-Class Work
Home Learning, Practice, and Assessments
(Assigned and Due Date)
Labor Day
Complete your presentation on summer reading to present as group.
Presentation Hot Seating in Groups of your summer reading text.
Submit your Personal Response via your blog site and share with Teacher. (Minimum 500 words.)

Introduction to Elements of Fiction
Create concept mapping notes on class lesson on elements of fiction.
Woman at Point Zero a look at themes, character and motifs
-Finish your vocab creative writing for weeks 1-2 to submit on Monday.
-Read Book One; Chapter 1 ‘1984’ for Monday September 8th.


Standards and Benchmarks
See this link on my website

Essential Question(s)

1) How might your concept mapping help scaffold the structure of future written assignments? How are the vocabulary words
embedded in your creative essay? What do you already know about character, plot, and theme for Woman at Point Zero?

See blogsite link for vocabulary words for weeks 1-2

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