Thursday, November 13, 2014

Ideas and Concepts Slaughterhouse Five Post Reading

  1. Does the novel depict reality or even truth, or is it a work of fiction?
  2. Can literature fully depict the cruelty of reality?
  3. What is the effect of the repetition of “he says” in the novel?
  4. How many narrators are there? How does Vonnegut use narrative perspective?
  5. What is the effect of the black humor/irony of the novel?
  6. How and why is foreshadowing used in the novel?
  7. ‘Evaluate uses of repetition in the novel.
  8. Discuss the subtitle of the novel.
  9. Does Billy really travel in time? Are the Tralfamadorians real?
  10. What does the novel want to teach us?

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